Monday, June 12, 2006

welcome back to myself

I would just like to say a big welcome back to the blog world to. . . myself! I have missed being able to ramble about life to all of you who are just bored, or just nosy enough to read my writings! We are now at home in OK and are half way unpacking! I actually started a sewing project tonight to decorate the pink striped bedroom! We still have sevaral boxes of random decorations and pictures piled in the formal dining room and I am still searching for half of my clothes in boxes and suitcases! Sounds like a great time to start a sewing project huh? Until I find the USB cord to my camera I will not be able to share any pictures with you, so there are just words, words, words! OK, not totally true! I just got this pic from my mom so I will share it with you! We took it last weekend in Virginia. We all flew there for my cousin's wedding! Aren't we cute!


Gina said...

Very cute....Welcome back! Glad you are no longer "homeless".

aunt-shell said...

I knew you were gonna put this picture on your page. now I guess I'll have to find a diffrent picture to put on my page. Nice to see youre back in the world of modern technology. Scary that we depend on these things for so much communication, Luv ya

Noe Family said...

Glad to see your back. I've been checking your blog each day and haven't read any Roberts news lately. Send pictures of the new house once you get all your stuff in it. By the way, our move to TExas has been canceled. The people buying our house backed out!!