Our little buddy is doing so much better! Today he is eating some real food, and has his IV unhooked and can walk around a little. He has even let his Grandmom hold him and read to him instead of his mom. This is good because it gives Sara a small break from being the only one who can comfort Sebastian. The best news of all is that his platelets are rising on their own! The platelet issue is the most concerning because of the long term illness it could present. They were told at the beginning of the week that they may get to go home on Friday, but now the doctors think it may be as early as this evening or tomorrow, Thursday! They are so excited that this seems to be nearing its end! Sebastian had a CT scan this afternoon to see how the clot and bleeds in his head are doing. They are waiting for the report. Pray that the clot is smaller and that there are fewer bleeds. There were some small bleeds in his head because of the pressure and stress caused by the clot. Things are sounding good! Keep praying that the cause of this can be determined and prevented in the future! Thank all of you so much for praying for Sebastian and for Brian and Sara. God is good even in the middle of turmoil! Thank you for being concerned with us!
That's great news! We've been praying for them.
we are so glad to hear that! The girls say their own prayer out loud at the dinner table and they have continued to remember to pray for "baby Sebastian" even without being reminded. it is so special to me to see how important prayer is in kid's lives as well as our own. Let them know that the prayers are still going up!
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